The Third Week of Advent: Faith

This is a beautiful week in Advent, and one of my favorites.  This is the Advent Verse from the London Steiner School for this week:

The third Light of Advent, It is the light of beasts:
The Light of faith that we may see In greatest and in least.

I have always loved this imagery.  Faith may be associated with a strong belief in God or a religious doctrine.  There is no proof; it is just the believer.  Faith is also defined as unwavering trust and confidence in something.  The Children’s Ministry Director at my parish would often use the phrase in conversation that she would “trust” that this little part of Sunday School would go well when we were planning lessons.  She would “trust” that the child would find what needed to be revealed to them in the seasons of the Church, and in all due time.  Her lessons were watching the moon in the fall, planting bulbs in the spring, noticing the beauty all around us.  Trust in the process of life, and in the people we know and love, is all around us if we can let go of the “should’s”.

Such a small word; trust.  I have started working with a Passion Planner.  Do you all know what that is?  There are several different versions out on the market.  I have been thinking ahead about Christmastide and the Twelve Holy Nights.  What I want to do is pick twelve different areas I would like to bring my thoughts, attention, connection to and then to “trust” that I can do the work in these areas and let it go and see what beautiful things happen.  2017 should be beautiful!

So, back to trust in Advent. The animals are all preparing and waiting.  What beautiful imagery to share with children!  I have some ideas in this Advent post from 2012.  Many of my ideas focus on the birds, the mice, creating treats for our pets, and getting outside in nature.  Thinking about the migration cycles of birds in your area can be another way to tie in the faith and joy of this week as our feathered friends travel thousands of miles. There are book and activity suggestions for this week in this post from 2015.

One thing that is coming up this week (on December 13th)  is the beautiful day of Santa Lucia. Here are back posts from:


2013 (link to story)

2011 (a sweet and gentle story)

2010 (lots of links)

2009 (a song)


2009 (handwork)


Lastly, I would like to make a plea. This week can become very busy, especially for those of us with older children who are involved in things. Please plan some hiking, some ice skating, (or if you are in the Southen Hemisphere, are you all swimming?)  Plan some game nights for older children and teens.  Enjoy slowing down and being together!  Our two oldest children have been very busy with music right now – it is that time of year, but the actual downtime is so important!  Please share your plans, ideas, and celebrations for this week.

Blessings and love,



4 thoughts on “The Third Week of Advent: Faith

  1. Trust, let go of the shoulds. Wonderful thoughts to carry me along. Carrie, I’m curious about your 12 reflection areas for the 12 Nights. I imagine they are “to each his own”…I appreciate having some areas to focus my thoughts, too and might add something like this to our 12 Nights. For the 3rd week of Advent we make and collect goodies for the animal shelter. I’m so grateful that these traditions have been established since I’m not sure I could generate the initial and follow-through right now. This afternoon we will bring gifts for the animals to the shelter and then we usually spend time with one or two older dogs there, too. Sheila

    • Hi Sheila!
      It is just an interesting idea I am playing with and do not have it totally mapped out yet. However, I will be posting some things on the Twelve Days of Christmas and the 12 Holy Nights; hopefully I will have it figured out by then! LOL
      Blessings and love,

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