20 Days To Being A More Mindful Mother

Hoo-boy, don’t  you hate it when you see titles like this in a magazine and you read it and think, “Yeah, right!  Some pithy little piece that will never change my life!”

I think those things as well when I see titles like these, so I cannot believe I am embarking on a series like this as well!   Interestingly enough,  this blog has MANY new readers (hi there, new readers!)  In fact, this blog is getting anywhere from 650-800 hits a day  now, which is really amazing to me.  I feel very humble about the whole thing, how this has grown from a tiny little thing just about a year ago to now!  Thank you to all  of you!  I so enjoy hearing from all of you and your thoughts, and walking with you.  You all know my theory that as mothers we should not have to re-invent the wheel and walk this path alone!

So, in that spirit, I would like to offer you the next 20 days to round-up some of the fundamental things I believe about childhood development, realistic expectations, inner work, spiritual homemaking and Waldorf.  I hope it will be fun for all of us!

So, without further ado, let’s dive into Day Number One:  Inner Work.  (I hear the groans; you all just KNEW I was going to say that, didn’t you??)

So, for the next 20 days, I want you to commit with me that you will start some form of inner work for  yourself for ten minutes a day.

In the past we have looked at Family Mission Statements here:  https://theparentingpassageway.com/2009/05/08/creating-a-family-mission-statement/

but what I was thinking about in this part is that perhaps some of you would be interested in creating Your Very Own Personal Mission Statement as part of this daily time.  Grab some paper and a pencil and jot down some answers to these questions:

What do you feel called to do and to be?

What are you passionate about?

What were you passionate about before you had kids?

What are two strengths that you have?

How could you use these two strengths?

How does your homemaking and raising a beautiful family fit into doing something for the rest of the world?

What are the things you model for your children that you are most proud of?

If you had to name three things that are your top values, what would they be?  Here is a pretty long list of different values to choose from:  http://www.timethoughts.com/goalsetting/ListOfSampleValues.htm

Stephen Covey is well-known for his approach to personal, family and business management through mission statements.  Here is a link to his website:  https://www.stephencovey.com/mission-statements.php

Of course, inner work can also be seen from a different view than just  mission statements.  Many people consider inner work to be the work that increases their sense of calmness, centeredness, peacefulness.  For some people this means living in the moment without judgment as to their own feelings, for some people this includes meditation practices, yoga, tai chi, walking or developing their inner life through art.  Many families find increased personal development through a specific religious path and prayer.

There are several other things often mentioned with inner work.  One of these is the concept of self-forgiveness and forgiveness in general and the other is meditating on the child.  I think these are important as well, and will include these in later blog posts for a complete focus.

The other piece of inner work to mention is the work one does with one’s own spirituality.  Many people these days do not seem to have strong religious or spiritual beliefs.  I heard some statistics somewhere, I cannot remember where at this point, that stated approximately 15 percent of the US population now has no religious affiliation at all, and almost 2 percent of the US population is now atheist.  I am sure if one looked at people who said they believed in something higher than themselves but had no structured religious or spiritual practice, the number would be high.

I encourage you  as part of your inner work during the next 20 days to explore where spirituality, religion and your beliefs in these areas come into play in your life and in what you model for your children.  Many children come into wanting answers regarding something higher than themselves around the age of  nine or ten year, and demonstrate wanting to be a different religion than what they are or wanting to experience something religious or spiritual if that has not been a part of their upbringing.  These are questions to think about now so you can provide the best guidance for your child during these times.

That completes some thoughts for Day Number One! 

Happy pondering, and most of all, happy DOING!  Make your commitment, pick a time of the day and stick to it!  I will be waiting to hear your progress!


25 thoughts on “20 Days To Being A More Mindful Mother

  1. Carrie, this sounds great. I only just discovered you a few months ago, but read every day. And every day I feel inspired. I’m wondering, (and I wanted to send you an email to ask about this, but couldn’t seem to find an email address), do you know of any good reading on the subject of young children born very close together? I am expecting a baby in January, at which time my son, Pan, will be just 14 months old. It seems that most literature relating to sibling relationships are for children at least 18+ months apart. I don’t want to negatively anticipate any problems that will come when the new babe is born, but I would like also to be prepared as this will be a huge change for all of us, but especially for my son. Thank you! +Chelsea

    • There is a post on this blog regarding “Transitioning the Only Child to Older Sibling” and darned if I cannot figure out what I tagged it under! :0. Maybe you can find it and let me know, LOL. There are also several good books on the Attachment Parenting bibliography regarding transitioning an only child to older sibling and many API groups run a whole meeting on this – pros and cons of child spacing, tips for easing transitions, that big picture transition of going from being focused on one child to being focused on the whole family’s needs.
      I personally believe that siblings are the greatest, greatest, greatest gift! Exude that confidence and peace in knowing that as you embark on this journey! Congratulations!

  2. Once again, Carrie, as you have for many months, you’ve given a post that really hits at the right time for me. I’ve been thinking lately about my own personal role within my family and my part in my family’s mission statement but also wondering about my own, personal mission … thank you for provoking thought.

    And, yes, what a great year it has been reading your blog!

    – Kara (sometimes commenter, but daily reader!)

  3. PS – I’ve been getting up at 5:30 after hearing about it on The Gnomes Home radio show and Melisa of A Little Garden Flower’s audio series … I’ve been doing it about a month now and yes, what a difference within me! Having that time of peace and quiet for myself … the days still have bumps and hiccups, of course and I’m living a real life, but I handle those bumps SO much better now. I can feel the difference w/in myself. Sleeping in used to seem like the ultimate luxury to me, but now I really value those hours in the morning before my family wakes. They are a treasure!

  4. Your blog is a new discovery for me, but I’m so happy to have landed here. Your voice is one that I really need to hear. Thanks for writing on such a great topic.

  5. I am a new reader here as of yesterday and I am just devouring your blog! Love it!!

    Finding your blog and this series is to timely for me… the universe reminding me to shift my focus…

    thank you

  6. I am a bit surprised about the suggestion of a “Mission Statement” for the family or for oneself, it sounds very business like, I can see it working well in the business world, but I do not see our family and my life working quite like this. Maybe I just do not understand the idea behind it or maybe it is because I have been married for almost 20 years and our family has an almost natural flow/ rhythm to things. I am just not really sure what to do with this, even after reading Mr. Covey’s site. I guess I will have to skip this exercise, but I am definitely looking forward to the following days!
    A great idea Carrie!


  7. Ah, you found it! Someday when I move this thing to a diffferent server, I am going to re-tag/categorize all this stuff, and put some of it up as permanent articles so we all can find it again, LOL! Thanks Kara!

  8. Carrie, your words are so inspiring. I am embarking on this journey. Tomorrow will be my day one. I am really looking forward to sharing with you through this journey. Congrats on your new family member and welcome to the world beautiful little Kaj, with much love from us.

  9. Thanks Carrie,

    I often find I need to “re-calibrate” every so often – come back to center as hectic schedules and just slipping discipline can pull me off track and take my focus of the things that are important. your post definitely is the Rx I needed! thanks:)

  10. Pingback: A Primer For Waldorf Homeschooling Success « The Parenting Passageway

  11. Pingback: My Experience as a Tandem Nurturer: Part 1 « alivingfamily

  12. Carrie,
    Found this at last – went looking for it when you started this over again to see the originals.
    Thank you for posting this mindful stuff! I’m in between nursings and starting food for the family already, and hoping to go back to sleep. But I found your latest note (7/29/12) a very good read. We’re still suffering from lack of rhythm here, and trying to apply Payne’s simplicity and getting stuff new homes (as much as we love the painted blocks they have to go! )So many words of thanks for all you have written and blessings on the angels that find you TIME to do all this for Mamas like me.

    • Hi Michele! So glad to see you comment! Did you see under the General Wisdom header if you click it one of the boxes is this series? I haven’t updated anymore this series any more as of late, but I plan to this week…

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