5 Ways to Have A Peaceful Family Life in 2015

The idea to use one word to embody the direction, vision and scope of a year has been in use for some time now.  This year, I chose a word for my personal use but also a word for The Parenting Passageway. Our word for the year is “peace”, so you will be seeing quite a bit of that this year on this space – how to really craft peace into your family life.  To move us forward, I was thinking today of five ways to have a peaceful family life.

Know who you are and make apologies for it as you live your life and be the parent you want to be.  When you know yourself and really know your strengths and your weaknesses and work with that for the benefit of your family, it becomes an unshakable foundation.  Love who you are and  what you bring to the table. This confidence and quiet strength allows the family to shine!

Go for balance.  Look for balance throughout the cycle of the entire year.  For example, I am feeling a real need to keep January simple with time to be outside in the morning every day.  So I am working with that pull.  It may change in Spring and I will put together something different.  Look for  the balance with activities outside the home – are they all for one person, one child?  Are there too many?  We need balance to be both parent and person – is that there or is that always on a backburner?  Make this the year for balance for all members of the family!

Boundaries.  Part of having a happy family life is boundaries. Boundaries are love for children, and a happy family life is dependent upon boundaries.  I read a recent article about this topic not too long ago and I thought it hit why parents struggle with this so right on the nose. Give it a read http://www.janetlansbury.com/2014/03/parents-struggling-with-boundaries-3-common-reasons/

Rhythm.  Rhythm gives us an unceasing strength to pull from, just as the tide doesn’t tire of going in and out each day.  Rhythm doesn’t have to be complex, and a minute by minute rundown does not have to be listed on a piece of paper.  However, if you are homeschooling and have three children or more,  I personally have found you may need to write more of a schedule to go within your rhythm, if that makes sense, for the schooling part of your day.  If you can think of rhythm as how one anchors and nourishes all members of the family, this can lead to a peaceful feeling as everyone’s needs get met and validated.

Outside movement.  In these darker and colder winter months, it can be easy for some families to want to stay inside and hibernate. However, it is so important to get outside and move.  Movement literally re-wires the brain!  This is very exciting, and I hope to be able to write more about outside movement for you this year.  Children need movement – it is a true need just like air, food and water.  We all need connection with nature.  Making this a priority in 2015 will bring to you a most peaceful family!

Many blessings and joy for 2015 to you and yours,


11 thoughts on “5 Ways to Have A Peaceful Family Life in 2015

  1. This is wonderful, Carrie! Thank you for this as I think about crafting my own family’s peaceful life in the year to come. I could not have articulated this myself, and yet it is exactly what I’m feeling!

  2. Hi Carrie,
    I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your blog. I don’t comment, but I really appreciate it. Sometimes you are the reminder I need to get back on track. Happy new year!

    • Ruthann,
      I have gratitude that you commented today! Thank you so much for being here with us all.

  3. Pingback: » 5 Ways to Have A Peaceful Family Life in 2015

  4. Great goals for the new year! When I think about “resolutions” I get stressed out, so for many years now, I don’t even bother. However, this year I’ve been thinking more about laying out some “goals” for myself and my work. I love the idea of focusing on peace in my family for this year. It definetely takes the stress out and helps me to refocus on slowing down.

  5. Good list! I’m very much in accord with this. My weaknesses have been dragging us down but my strengths have been the highlights. Finding balance juggling the children’s diverse needs has been a struggle that I’m rethinking & reorganizing & strengthening our rhythm & boundaries to try to manage better. Conscious attention to their current needs, meditating on them at night, & morning walks to get the blood flowing will be a priority. 🙂 I have wanted to quit waldorf homeschooling as this was not my 1st choice but a financial necessity & my oldest is a really strong willed, high energy, & challenging child (moreso after my homeschooling missteps, sigh) but its not really an option so I must forge ahead with hope in my heart & faith in divine grace getting me though it till our path unfolds. All our lessons God would have me learn.

    • Michele,
      Homeschooling is a path of self discovery for the parent first and foremost. So be easy on yourself! I do think it is much harder to embrace homeschooling when you are coming to it through necessity, but I think you can learn to love it and embrace it. I appreciate your wonderful outlook about forging ahead and being open to the lessons there! I think there are many along the homeschooling road that we may not have gleamed otherwise.
      Many blessings, always so nice to hear from you!

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