The Twelve Holy Nights: An Introspective Approach


Merry Christmas, and a blessed Christmastide to you!  I love the twelve days of Christmas, and hope you will enjoy this introspective approach of using biography to understand yourself as you move into the New Year.  Here are the areas of focus for each of the twelve days:


December 25th:  Think about your own birth:  the circumstances, your family, your own physical body as an infant and as a child.  Write down your impressions.  Pick three words that describe your physical body as an infant and child.  Were you frequently sick or robust?  Did you have any physical challenges?


December 26th:  Think about the Early Years, ages 0-7.  Did you feel loved and accepted and as if you belonged?  When you think back, what were you like then?  What composed your whole world?  Do you have an early impressions of nature and how that affected you?


December 27th:  Think about the years 7-14.  What were your habits, the things you did on a daily basis from what you did when you got up, what you did in the afternoons after school, what you did before you went to bed.  What did you do every week on certain days of the week?  How did that shape you?  Does it continue to impact you now?


December 28th:  Think about the years 14-21.  What were the things you loved, what was most important to you?  What did you dislike?  Are the things that were important then still important now or has that totally changed?


December 29th:  Think about the years 21-28 of your life.  What things do you see happening that were the complete hand of God, your destiny?  Relationships, people, births and deaths, things that changed your life and who you were forever?


December 30th:  Think about the years 28-35.   Can you draw yourself at this age and the things in your life at this point?  Did you have a significant experience at the age of 33 or so?


December 31st:  Think about the years  35 – 42 if you are there!  What was most important from this period to you?


January 1st:  Think about the years 42-49 if you are there.  What do you have to bring outward into the world during this phase?  What is it you are passionate about?  What will you do with your passions this year?


January 2nd: Pick one of the seven year time periods that really speaks to you from your life.  Draw it.  Get together with a friend and draw those time periods together.  Explain your life during that time period to your friend.


January 3rd:  Think about yourself as a physical entity.  What do you need to do to nurture your physical body this year?  What would be helpful?  How could you make this happen?


January 4th: Think about yourself and the habits and rhythms you create for yourself. If you keep journals, look back through the past years.  What months are you tired?  What months do you feel most energized?  Are you an early or late riser?  What days of the week do you like best and feel most productive?  Are there any rhythms that you should be setting in place for you or your family members so that everyone is happier?  Is life simple or busy?  Do your rhythms support you, or deplete you?  What could you change to make this a simpler and more peaceful year?


January 5th:  Think about what you love.  Name those things.  Name passions you have in books, music, subjects, knowledge.  Are you nurturing those passions?  Are your interests changing?  Name one thing you would like to deepen your knowledge of this year.


January 6th:  How can you nurture your spiritual and yes, your religious side? Do you have a religious community? Do you have any kind of community outside of the four walls of your home?  We were made to be in community with one another.  How will you nurture community this year?


Many blessings,

6 thoughts on “The Twelve Holy Nights: An Introspective Approach

  1. I love your reflection ideas here Carrie. Beautiful. I’ve read other reflection programs for the 12 days of Christmas before, but I haven’t resonated with any of them like I do this one. This is lovely.

    I wonder, when you get to the period of ages that you are not at yet, would you project forward, anticipating what you would like to be of significance in those ages for you.

    Also, the link to the back post in the December 30 suggestions I cannot seem to see or be able to click into the space.

    I’m saving this in my 12 days folder for next years reflections! Thank you 🙂

  2. Pingback: Planning Ahead: The Twelve Days of Christmas | The Parenting Passageway

  3. Pingback: The Third Week of Advent and Preparing for Winter Solstice | The Parenting Passageway

  4. Pingback: Winter Solstice | The Parenting Passageway

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