Putting It All Together: Day 20 of 20 Days Toward Being A More Mindful Mother

Wow, we are at 20 days!  I want to thank all of you who read this series and worked with some of these things in your own homes and families.  I am curious to hear feedback from you all as to what you observed, learned or felt.

A reader from the UK writes how she worked with this series of posts, and I thought it was a brilliant idea myself :):

“Here is what I have decided to do:
I have been printing out each day to use the following morning in my quiet time, when my brain is at its best (!) I got behind on this with my family being sick & ended up with my print outs here there & everywhere, so have decided to wait until you have finished the series, Carrie, then have the pages all spiral bound & work through it, day by day. I am going to include lots of blank sheets at the end of each day, for my own notes. I think this is something I could do every year or so. What a wonderful resource. Thank you Carrie”

Thanks for the idea, Lynn!

One way that I personally pull all of the different elements together that were mentioned in these posts is through my  daily inner work, prayer and meditation on each child.  I think of these areas and try to ascertain if each child is receiving what they need at this time, what they need so they can be uplifted, what areas are challenging for this child.

I know many of you who read this blog do not homeschool or use Waldorf education.  However, I do find for our family that the curriculum of Waldorf education really does dovetail with all of the developmental stages and expectations mentioned in this series and really assists me in helping my children.

Many blessings to you all!  I would love to hear your experiences and what was valuable to you.



5 thoughts on “Putting It All Together: Day 20 of 20 Days Toward Being A More Mindful Mother

  1. Carrie, thanks so much for this wonderful and meaningful series. You have put so much time, effort and love into this!

    I love the idea of making this into a book and working through it that way. I feel like I have a “decent” handle on most things, but making a space, physical and spiritual and mental, to work on it really invites in the energies required to truly grow.


  2. Carrie,
    I’ve been reading for a few months but this is the first time I’ve commented. Thank you so much for this series, I’ve tried to follow day by day but we’re going though lots of changes at the moment and I haven’t been able to keep up so I am also planning on printing and spiral binding it (and I like the idea of putting lots of blank pages inbetween each day for reflections). I’ve already read many of the days and I’m so inspired, thank you!!!
    And congratulations on your beautiful little boy


    p.s I am so incredibly greatful for this blog, it brings so much into our little homeschool and our life in general, it’s been such a blessing! 🙂

  3. Pingback: Hybrid Rasta Mama: Mindful Mothering Challenge # 20 - The Results and Series Wrap Up

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