Great Books for Second Grade In Your Waldorf- Inspired Homeschool

Here are some suggestions for Waldorf Second Grade read-alouds:

From “The Waldorf Student Reading List”:  (and do get the book so you can read the complete list, I picked and  wrote here out of what resonated with me!)

Aesop’s Fables (LEAVE THE MORAL OUT AT THE END) – These are usually done in a main lesson block, so I would NOT consider these bedtime reading or anything!  Maybe these really shouldn’t be on this list, as they are usually told, not read……I will write a post on Fable Main Lesson Block soon!

Thornton Burgess Nature Stories – all of them and there are many!

King Of Ireland’s Son” – again, if you are not doing this as a Main Lesson Block

Susan Cooper’s “The Selkie Girl” – a picture book, but definitely with second-grade content

Tomie De Paola – Clown of God, Big Anthony, Stregna Nona, etc.

Wind In the Willows” – a classic!

George MacDonald’s “The Light Princess”, “The Princess and the Goblin”, “The Princess and Curdie”

Any of Gerald McDermott’s Trickster Tale kind of picture books

Arthur Ransome’s “Old Peter’s Russian Tales

Winnie the Pooh” if you have not read those stories yet

Jakob Streit’s “Animal Stories” (available through Waldorf booksellers)

Isabel Wyatt’s “The Book of Fairy Princes

Some suggestions from Donna Simmons in her works:

Barefoot Book of Pirates

Ballet Shoes – N. Streatfield (there is a whole series available)

John Henry” as illustrated by  Julius Lester and also “The Adventures of Bre’r Rabbit” also illustrated by Julius Lester

King Arthur by Roger Lancelyn Green

Robin Hood also by Roger Lancelyn Green

Donna has a bookstore on Amazon where you can see titles for second grade here:

Some Suggestions from Carrie:

Little House on the Prairie, but do save “Farmer Boy” for third grade!!

The Moomintroll Series

Any sort of Jataka tales if you are not doing these for a Main Lesson Block

Any of the appropriate stories from “Hear the Voice of the Griot!” by Betty Staley and available through Waldorf booksellers.    A great resource for all grades; see the review on this blog!

Any sort of American Tall Tale or Native American trickster tales

Mungo, which is a story of a Saint found through Waldorf booksellers.  I have not read it myself but I have heard from others that this would be appropriate for Grade Two.  (Update I do not agree with this for grade two. I would put it much, much  later – it has complex themes, including a rape).

The German classic now in English, “Peter and Anneli’s Journey to the Moon” available through Bob and Nancy’s Bookshop

Peaceful and happy reading together,


10 thoughts on “Great Books for Second Grade In Your Waldorf- Inspired Homeschool

  1. Hi Carrie, Thanks for the list of stories, I have a question about the “King Of Ireland’s Son”. When I looked on Amazon there was the same title by two different authors? Can you tell me which author is the right one? Thanks for your help!

    • Padraic Colum is the author you want. You can also look at Bob and Nancy’s bookshop at and see which edition they have and compare. Rudolf Steiner College Bookstore also puts their catalogues on the Internet, although you have to order by phone, but that is another good place to look to see what books and authors match.

  2. Pingback: Planning Waldorf Second Grade « The Parenting Passageway

  3. Pingback: Regarding Waldorf and The Early Reader « The Parenting Passageway

  4. Hi Carrie, how are you?
    I have been following your blog for quite a few years already, but I never wrote… And we also “met” on FB. Well, do you mind if I ask your opinion? Following your suggestion and the inspiration from Jen’s blog, I purchased Grace Lin’s book, plus many more, planning to use them in February around the Chinese new year, for a block during our 2nd grade lessons.
    Living in the Southern Hemisphere the Chinese new year passed before we even started the school year, and now I have these wonderful books, and I am wondering how to weave them into our lessons… Wait for next year (beginning of 3rd grade) or simply make a Chinese block no matter when during this school year?
    Sorry for the simple question, but sometimes I do get stuck in this moments of “what shall I do now”…
    Thanks a lot and all the best

    • Hi there! I think you could do a block of language arts based off these books at any time, or wait until third grade. Those are great books, a theme of Chinese folktales and legends could be great for any of the early grades, I think personally. Can’t wait to hear what you do!

  5. Hi Carrie, thank you for your reply.
    I have been promising the children to have some sort of a Chinese new year for quite long.
    I might try to wait till next year, and make a full transition block to 3rd grade, and who knows, might be inspired to include some work for my first grader (to be) too.
    Thanks for helping in the thought process.
    Keep well and buona vita (good life 🙂 )

    • Thank you! Check back in and tell me how it went, okay? Will be fun to hear how you brought it to life!

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